War, Political Violence, Terrorism, Kidnap and Ransom

Costero has significant experience in offering a wide range of bespoke solutions across the War, Political Violence, Terrorism, and Kidnap and Ransom spectrum, including the following:

Some coverages include, but are not limited to:

  • Terrorism & Sabotage
  • Riots, Strikes, Civil Commotion, Malicious Damage
  • Rebellion, Insurrection, Coup d’Etat, Mutiny, Counterinsurgency
  • Civil War and War
  • Active Assailant resulting in property damage, emergency response costs, extra expenses including public relations costs, relocation, counselling, medical expenses and additional security.
  • Business Interruption (including Contingent), Loss of Attraction, Denial of Access, Threats and/or Hoaxes, advanced loss of profits, and any declared Extra Expenses.
  • Liability towards third parties or employees
  • Event Cancellation
  • Mobile Assets, Goods in Transit (can be extended to include Confiscation and Detention)
  • Parametric Terrorism
  • Cyber Terrorism
  • NCBR Terrorism
  • Kidnap & Ransom, Response Costs, Personnel Extraction

Geographic Scope


Structure of Placement

Facultative Insurance, Deductible Buybacks, Portfolio Packages, Binder, Treaty, Local Government Pools, or Wrap Solutions